Because our pets deserve pampering too!

Middletown Veterinary Hospital offers professional, full service grooming. Our team of amazing groomers have a combined 40 plus years of experience and offer anything from a simple bath & nails to full service grooming with hair cuts. We offer customized cuts and beauty treatments. Our groomers give you and your pet personalized attention. The groomer will meet with you at drop off to discuss your pet’s specific needs. Both dogs and cats are welcome in our spa.

We feature the HydroSurge therapeutic bathing system which massages your pet while deep cleaning. Our spa offers a walk in tub for larger breeds or arthritic pets.





A  full groom includes a nail trim, ear clean, anal expression, shampoo, conditioner if needed, blow dry, brush out, and clip. We have available an assortment of shampoos. We also offer other services at an additional charge; full brush out, de-matting, shed-less hot oil treatments, brushing teeth, and nail polish.

You can also request a doctor’s visit and update shots while here at our Pet Resort & Spa. We also will advise you if we notice anything while grooming that might require the Doctor’s attention.

We also offer closely monitored sedation for pets that may require help “relaxing” during the groom. Please be assured that no pet will be sedated for grooming or bathing unless absolutely necessary and only after permission has been obtained from you.






For pets that don’t require the service of the groomer, we offer bathing which is done by appointment Monday through Saturday. Shampoos are selected on each individual based on coat and skin condition, and only the most effective products creating the most desired effects are used.  Our baths consist of shampoo and blow dry.







Please call or text us for grooming prices

We now offer grooming Monday-Saturday

Drop off time is between 8-8:30 AM

If pets arrive later than 8:30 AM, there will be  a $20 late fee added to the grooming charges


Any questions? 

Feel free to contact us by telephone (302) 378-2342